ForeignName, ForeignTable, and Table Properties Example

This example shows how the Table, ForeignTable, and ForeignName properties define the terms of a Relation between two tables.

Sub ForeignNameX()

   Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
   Dim relLoop As Relation

   Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")

   Debug.Print "Relation"
   Debug.Print "        Table - Field"
   Debug.Print "  Primary (One) ";
   Debug.Print ".Table - .Fields(0).Name"
   Debug.Print "  Foreign (Many)  ";
   Debug.Print ".ForeignTable - .Fields(0).ForeignName"

   ' Enumerate the Relations collection of the Northwind 
   ' database to report on the property values of 
   ' the Relation objects and their Field objects.
   For Each relLoop In dbsNorthwind.Relations
      With relLoop
         Debug.Print .Name & " Relation"
         Debug.Print "        Table - Field"
         Debug.Print "  Primary (One) ";
         Debug.Print .Table & " - " & .Fields(0).Name
         Debug.Print "  Foreign (Many)  ";
         Debug.Print .ForeignTable & " - " & _
      End With
   Next relLoop


End Sub